Abstract Submission

Please write each abstract within one page (including AMS subject classification codes)
preferably using the Template of Abstract below, and send its PDF file from the registration page.
To revise the abstract, upload the new version again in the same way.
The deadline is June 30th, 2019.

Template of Abstract


%%The following pakages are available.
\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb}

%%%%%%%% Theorem style %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%




%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Equation style %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


%%%%%%%%% PRINT SIZE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


%%% definition of AMS subject classification
\hrule width 21mm
2010 {\it Mathematics Subject Classification}. #1.}


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Title, Authors, Affiliations, e-mails %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

{\bf\large EXAMPLE  \\      %title first line
  OF ABSTRACT           %title second line

%% Name(s) of Author(s)
{Name1 and Name2 }

%% affiliation(s)
{University Name(s) }


%% E-mail(s)
{\it Email}: {\sf mail@address} 



%%%%%%%% TEXT %%%%%%%%%%%%%

%  Abstracts are written here. 

%%%%%%%% REFERENCES %%%%%%%%

\newcommand{\bysame}{\leavevmode\hbox to3em{\hrulefill}\,} 
%M. Auslander, {\em Representation theory of artin algebras I}, 
%Comm. Algebra {\bf 1} (1974), 177--268. 

%S. O. Smal$\phi$, {\em Global dimension of special endomorphism rings over artin  algebras}, 
%Illinois J. Math. {\bf 22(3)} (1978), 414--427. 


%%% Write AMS subject classification codes.
%%% For instance: \subjcls{18D05, 16W22, 16W50}
